Pavel Kozlovsky

Pavel Kozlovsky

Co-founder and CTO

Pavel is our CTO & lead software architect with a rich background in software development and a keen focus on AI and ed-tech innovations.


Pavel Kozlovsky

Pavel is our CTO & lead software architect. With a rich background in software development and a keen focus on AI and ed-tech innovations, Pavel brings over a decade of experience to the QuestRead team. Most notably, he has been at the forefront of integrating advanced technologies like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to revolutionize the reading experience. At QuestRead, Pavel spearheads the technical direction, ensuring the seamless integration of our AI-driven features and the overall user experience.

Beyond his tech expertise, Pavel is genuinely passionate about creating meaningful change. During his time in academia, he developed tools that simplified complex programming concepts, making learning more accessible to students. He's also been hands-on with projects that use audio technology to enhance the learning experience. Additionally, Pavel has dedicated efforts to support initiatives that bring education and tech resources to regions that need them most, ensuring everyone gets a fair shot at quality learning.

Outside of work, Pavel is deeply engaged in the world of video games, not just as a form of entertainment but as a medium for critical thinking and problem-solving. He often analyzes game mechanics and narratives, drawing parallels to real-world applications and exploring their potential in educational settings. Pavel believes in the power of continuous learning and frequently delves into the latest tech advancements. In his downtime, he might be found immersed in a thought-provoking movie or a book, crafting, travelling, hiking, staying active, or savoring a well-prepared meal. At the core of his endeavors with QuestRead is a mission: to craft a platform that educates and resonates meaningfully with learners across the globe.